Monday, March 21, 2011

Toledo...not Ohio silly! (M4...I knew I would make it)

There is, in fact, a Toledo, Spain and you can take a day trip from Madrid to get there. It takes about 1.5 hours, if I remember correctly. I have been behind in my posts meaning two things:

1. I don't remember exact details very well (I have always had bad long term memory...ask my sister:)
2. My posts are out of order

So, please forgive me and know that Toledo belongs with my Madrid posts (i.e. [M4]) and the Granada post was supposed to come before the Carnaval and Valencia posts. However, they were fresh in my memory so I wanted to get them on the web as soon as possible. Hopefully, you are now a little better oriented. Let's take a trip back in time...

Toledo was our last and final day trip outside of Madrid. A little history on Toledo:

Toledo has been held by Iberians, Visigoths, Moors, and Christians. Under the Visigoths and Christians Toledo was the capital of Spain for hundreds of years. Toledo is known for being one of the few places in Spain where Moors, Christians, and Jews managed to live together and tolerate one another peacefully. For this reason there are a multitude of churches, mosques, and synagogues. Walking through the city was akin to taking a step back to a medieval time. The streets are tiny and the history of the city is everywhere around you. Connie and I were lost the minute we stepped foot into the heart of the city. We didn't particularly go to anyplace fascinating because the city was enthralling all by itself. It was another turbulent day so the clouds seem to stew above the town and added to the magical aura that surrounded it. You have to see it to believe it....

Me walking into town...we crossed the bridge and it was like stepping into a new world

Connie and I on the bridge

view of part of town

other side of the town with bridge!

Sadly, since this was our last day in Madrid and we had already been there for around four days my camera died before I made it to the Parador (the large view of the entire city). It was'll just have to take my word for it!

Allright! I am all caught up now and you can look forward to my next post which will be about my adventures with my best friend, KRISTEN HORTON, and her family...I am beyond excited!!!!!!!!!

Look out Greece:)


  1. Love the pictures. What a great jacket, what a great trip.

    We love you,

    Dad and Mom

  2. It was and the jacket came in handy and I think it looks sharp:)
