Tuesday, March 15, 2011

El Escorial (M3...finally)

Hello everyone. I am, I admit, a little behind but I am working on rectifying that so we are back to Madrid. El Escorial is a huge monastery about 45 minutes outside of Madrid by train and it happens to be Connie and I's third day trip. It has been both a royal palace and a monastery and is the burial place for most of the Spanish kings and queens of the last five centuries.

The building is imposing to say the least. It is huge and austere. The day we went it was windy; the clouds were ominous and dark and they added to the atmosphere of power and strength that surrounds the building.

Huge granite masterpiece...

View of the top of El Escorial from bottom of the hill

The building consists mainly of gray granite and walking along the rooms filled with art it was a sight to behold. Some famous works are housed in the building by artists such as Titian, Tintoretto, El Greco, Velázquez, etc. I was not expecting all of the artwork so that was fun to see.

The interior of El Escorial is just as austere as the exterior except when you come to the burial place of the kings and queens of Spain. Walking through the regular halls was a stark contrast from the Pantheon of Kings. Here, no expense is spared. It was the most beautiful place of death I had ever seen. It was a shock going from no opulence to gold encased tombs. I wish I had a picture but you are not allowed to take photos in the Pantheon. However, I did snag a postcard so I could take a little piece with me.

Next stop....Toledo!

1 comment:

  1. Still waiting for Toledo and more posts. Lots of fun reading about your adventures. By the way, do you go to school?


    Dad and Mom
