Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Who needs an island, when you've got Poseidon...

Forgive me for that really cheesy title, but I couldn't help myself...I enjoy a good rhyme:)

As you would know, if you read my last post (if you didn't, you should) the Hortons and I went to bed dreaming of the sweet island adventures we would be having the next day. Little did we know that the company Mrs. Horton so dutifully booked, would be a royal  _ _ _ _-up! Fill in the blank.

It turns out that they told Mrs. Horton the wrong time so we were late to arrive at the meet-up point.

*Mrs. Horton do you happen to know the company name...so I can bash them on my blog? Because 1000's of people read it and I know it will make a huge difference in their business.

Obviously, we were all disappointed. We trekked our way back to the apartment, and had to come up with Plan B. I have to say, at the time it seemed a little daunting, considering that any Plan B we came up with would be hard-pressed to be as awesome as the island visits aforementioned. But, that my friends, is not the way of thinking that gets anybody moving in the right direction. Things happen, and for the Hortons it seems to have been one of those vacations where things just kept happening to try and keep them down. However, I was really impressed because they all seemed to enjoy themselves, and as my Grandma would say, "make lemonade out of lemons." In the spirit of this vacation here comes....you guessed it...

TIP #8: Not just when you are on vacation, but in everyday life things are bound to surprise you. The dominos don't all fall, the cards don't always line up. This is what is so wonderful/frustrating about life. You have to take things as they come, and remember to keep a good attitude. We could have all let this ruin our day, but we didn't. Instead, it has become one of many fond memories I have of Greece, and the Horton family.

Kristen and I set off straight away looking in the travel books searching for something else to do. We stumbled upon the Temple of Poseidon and ran to the bus station managing to clamber on a bus going in the right direction. Trust me people...this was not an easy feat when you don't speak Greek, and spirits are flagging.

Here we are on the bus where I managed to embarrass everyone and take a picture of them in their happy spirits, or at least, pretend happy spirits:)

Happy Hortons

The ride to the temple was b-e-a-utiful! There were all these little coves, and crystal clear waters. I enjoyed the bus ride! When we did reach the temple we were all hungry and sat down for lunch. The food was delicious. I tried another greek specialty recommended by Kristen, called Moussaka.


We then headed up to the temple where I was charged with getting a good picture of the Hortons. Let me tell you this was no simple mission. Mr. Horton is a good photographer, and he was a tad bit picky about how I took a picture. First, I was accused of making the pillar come out of someone's head, then it was a little too zoomed in, etc. Did I say tad bit picky? I happen to think I take great pictures, don't you?

Mr. Horton posing... he loves his pictures

Kristen being some sort of animal, nice action shot!

Now, these are just a sample, but if you are interested call me. My rate is very affordable.

There was this wonderful grassy area and cliff on the other side of the temple, and we got some great pictures. Here is one of me and my BFFL!

The hills are alive...

Once, we were done visiting the temple we headed back into Athens and visited the flea market. Then we were hungry again, it is a constant problem. We went to a restaurant recommended by George, the wonderful taxi driver. I had another greek specialty, I have no idea what it is called but it was finger-licking good!

It turned into a great day, but we were all a little sad because Stephen, and Mr. and Mrs. Horton were leaving to fly home the next day. Kristen and I would be riding solo...

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